You Have Never Been Healthier

I had gone to see Binayak on Tuesday and he told me, "you have never been better in life", while wrapping up the pressure monitoring machine. Pressure was 110/70 and HbA1c was 6.1. The Jardiance magic is working. Incidentally it was the World Diabetes Day also :-) 

Of course I had supplemented the new line of treatment with very consistent and serious exercise. As of now I am running 4 km every alternate evening and cycling for 90 kms on the weekends. But seeing the figure of 6.1 on the AMRI report card made me feel ecstatic. I haven't felt so ecstatic since getting diabetes 15 years ago. I think my best so far has been 6.2. Now the challenge is to hold on to this and not let it go up.

Binayak said he would observe my ACR after 6 months and then take a call on pressure medicines. He wants to bring it down a bit. Great. Let's see how it goes.

There is an element of pain in the arms, palms to be precise, due to excessive cycling. But nothing major. The median nerve on the left hand is badly affected with loss of strength in the thumb and hardly any lateral movement in the index finger. For example, I cannot mimic the scissors movement with my left hand. I am regularly flossing it. There is an ulnar nerve issue on the right hand. I have a tingling sensation on the little finger. Flossing that as well. 

The left hand is more serious and the therapy is more intense there and it is responding well. 


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